On Childhood Love and His 1000th Girlfriend

Today is a story-telling time.

Okay, it's just skipping from responsibilities kinda day because it's Friday!

Technology is a creepy and crazy things.
It changed us, human beings, in so many ways possible. To better or worse.
It made life easier but sometimes it was soo easy we are crossing borders.
Take for example instagram.
While it is true that you get to see the world and get updated with people's life from Instagram,
you also lost the human touch with others, which is what partly makes you human.
And it was so easy, our curious mind stepped further to know not just the people we know
but the people we have no relations with.
Even worse, people make hateful comments.
It's like as if making those comments will add some good karma in their lives. Ugh.

Anyway, I have sidetracked a little too far this time.
Back to the title, with the power of social media, I am still in touch with the first guy I ever liked as a kid.
Back when I was waaaaay younger, I have always wondered what is first love
Like I was too young to know and too young to decide that the guy I fell head over heels for is my first love.
It took me so long, even after my last boyfriend, to know who the heck is my "first love"
The love that seemed pretty important to so many anyway.
As it turned out, I guess I still have the same answer as the one I had when I was 11 years old.
I have never found anyone else like him.
The guy who made me so motivated to go to school as a kid.
The guy who I'd cry for when he fell sick (like, HE FELL SICK, it wasn't even ME).
The guy who was so funny everyone just liked him.
And what was weird tho, he was faaaar from goodlooking and he still made people like him so much.
He was this skinny,dark-skinned boy, who looked so frail.
His nose was small and if you looked twice, he prolly looked like an anorexic hamster,
if that makes sense at all?

And even as a kid, he broke every girls heart.
He was one of those little boys who would date the pretty girls from the class.
Like you know, date at that time was walking to class together,
hit the canteen and trying not to kiss to make her pregnant. hah hah.
On the last elementary school reunion, I saw him again.
I saw him and my heart beats so fast (I had a boyfriend at that time, btw)
And I knew from this magical thing called Instagram, he has a change of gf every now and then
as often as he would change his t-shirt.
And as always, they were all gorgeous women.

He told me he wanted to be serious with a girl but he just never found one.
Even at that point I almost fell for his story,
into thinking that he is a changed person.
What a persona!

Fast forward to one year later, that was yesterday.
Yesterday I came across a blog post of this girl.
I found it from her instagram account which I found from the tagged photos of this guy.
"another girl.." I thought to myself.
And just to confirm my suspicion, I saw his name as a title of one of the post.
She was writing on how she was so heartbroken and it was kinda one sided with this guy
and how she wished she never fell for him.

And as I was writing this for so long, I actually had no idea what the conclusion of this would be.
I guess it was just amusing how one can be a charmer since he was a kid
and how social media lets you get updated on that charmer's life?
I am waiting for the day instagram is telling me that he is getting married.
Just like waiting for a happy ending for that tv drama seasons you have been following for so many years.


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