Magic Happens

“We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.” 
― J.K. Rowling

When I was younger, I used to wonder where does the rabbit that appears out of a sudden from the magician's hat came from or how can a man kept a few meters long ribbon in his tummy and remove them again as and when he wanted to. Then as I grow up, I saw more and more incredible things happening around me that is more than just rabbit out of the hat. magic was exciting back then but the magic that is happening right now is more than scary.

If magic is about things that are appearing or disappearing out of the sudden, then magic pretty much happen so constantly in my life. Have you ever meet certain circumstances that were beyond your imagination? Like striking a lottery, for example. Or losing things/someone so suddenly? Like death of a relative/friend for example. Aren't those sudden happening make you wonder why they actually happen?

I'd say that God is the true magician with mysteries we would never be able to solve. And sometimes, what He does to our lives just scare us a little.

It is really scary how you'd be happy at one moment and lose it all at another. The reason why I am writing this right now because I am afraid of losing a feeling that I once had. Losing it at a sudden and have no rationale behind it to explain to the people that are going to be impacted by this change.

Sometimes I just wish I have a full control over everything.



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