Hey y'all!

I am back here finally writing something before memories evaporated off my brain.
Today marks my 2 weeks of staying in the USA and time flies while you are on vacay:(
Anw, let me write a little about the first leg of my trip-Boston.
First stop was Bostown because sissy's staying there for her Harvard Summer program.
The apartment looks like Fuse, the people there are more poshy than Purdue (DUH).
It's walkable to Harvard Square which offers awesome awesome stuff..
They have UO, JP Licks Ice Cream, Shake Shack.. uuuhhh aaah.

America has always been the safe place.
I feel free and home here.
You know, people here do things according to their will,
and they just have to answer to themselves for the actions they done.
Unlike Indo tho, your society expects from you and everyone is in the rat race to be on top,
at the expense of losing themselves.
That, though, is still common in Asian countries and became so apparent when I reached Vegas
(That'll be the 3rd Part of the USA posts series).
So  because I got lazy, we decided to take Lyft to places from our 3rd day on in Boston.
I got to hear stories from different people.
There was a man who used to run a silver jewellery business and retired,
decided to drive Lyft as his part time job.
There was also a Brazilian guy who learned English just from movies,
Boston was his first country outside of his home that he ever stepped on.
He took that leap of faith for a better life (altho Idk how he got his visa tho..hmm)
And many more things.

Boston was clean and beautiful,
it's a nice sanctuary to be in and immerse yourself in some peaceful time.
So after we settled in for a few days, we then flew to SLC to meet the parents and had our road trip..
I'll write more of that later!


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