Is it just our bodies? Are we both losing our minds?
Is the only reason you're holding me tonight
'Cause we're scared to be lonely?
    -Scared to be Lonely, Martin Garrix.

Hey y'all!

Finally landed myself on this blog after being away in Singapore for a week.
It was mostly just resting in the weekdays and taking care of my family who happen to fall sick.
But, let's just jump to the weekeeeenddd!
Met awesome companion on Friday night for some chilling time.
I decided to go to The Library, a secret speakeasy.
It was pretty hard to spot because the front view was like a traditional medicine shop.
We had to obtain the password from their social media account or shop next door, The Study.
It was an amusing experience though, I would have to say.

Met two new friends that night, they were from Purdue as well!
They are Malaysian and graduated when I just came in to Purdue
They were really fun, was glad that they talked alot
and that we don't have to put our magic hat to create new topic everytime.
The drinks there were all artfully done
Like my Deep Forest drink which has mushrooms on the lid
and my sister's mini bath tub with rubber ducky drink.
It's really amazing how a small country like Singapore always have something new to offer.
I miss that place already! Can't wait to be there again in 2 weeks time!!

And the rest of the night would have to just be remained in my head.
The weekend ended up with me not sleeping for over 36 hours,
the weekend that reminds me that there are friends who are true,
friends who will be with you in the lurch.
Again, I am reminded to be grateful for everything that I have thus far:)
So I guess it's Valentine's and it's just a good day to post this in the day of love.
Let's be glad for all the love that we receive from all of our loved ones!



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