On Life Companion

The universe works in a weird way.
It's so diverse, so hard to comprehend.

Everyone grows up and molded themselves according to their surroundings.
Their ideology is formed along the way, as what they see and taught.
It will be etched so deep to their personality,
that any other ideas against what they have firmly hold on to from the beginning,
is hard to take in.
Worse still, some people cannot/will not even try to accept new ideas.

I met people from different backgrounds.
Be it from school, friends of friends, co-workers, etc.
I always find it intriguing to enter their world.
A guy who came from a broken family and mediocre economic status
will be of a vast difference with an only child who came from a loving and rich family.
And yet, here we are.
Intertwined in one life event or another, completing each other with our differences.

I came from a closely-bonded core family.
In fact, I feel we are too close to each other that sometimes we lost our own time.  
I am a believer of one spouse for forever.
normal to me is being married to a man at some point of my life,
have kids and raise them like how most Chinese family would.

But it's not always the norm for everyone
Or something that has to be followed.
Last night, I met up with a friend.
He is the only child and he is so used to having everything his way.
To him, taking care of someone else (read: girlfriend/wife) is a chore.
Why would I have to? 
I am good on my own anyway, he said.
He has his carefree life, he has his friends and family and so life is good to him,
at least until now.
To him the purpose of a partner was more of a physical companion
and that it's not worth his effort to "invest" in a spouse.
Be it his time or money or effort. it just doesn't make sense to him.

It took me awhile to understand his point of view,
I even argued about support system that we would need at one point or another
the moment your friends got married
or when your parents are no longer around,
how sure are you that you will still be good on your own?

And then again he made me question myself much deeper.
What is marriage to you?
Do I want to get married eventually just to follow the norm?
Who sets this norm?
With me being so afraid of commitment and my questionable faith in humanity,
is marriage something I would brave the storm for?
Is it something that I can work out and be successful in? 
It's human emotion and faithfulness we are playing with here.
It's the most varying variables.

But life works in a really weird way.
Maybe, when the time comes, these questions would find their own answers.


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