Where are We?

bzz bzzz ( phone vibrating on my desk)



Bff : Have you ever wondered what are you doing in life? What do you really want?


So that was a text sent by one of my bestest buddy one fine afternoon last week. He is my partner in complains and so we understood each other pretty well. I seemed to have asked him the same question before, and it feels like he did too. This might just be the second time we talked about this.
Now, is he really asking? Do I know the answer?

Answer is no.

Post graduation a year ago has not been easy. Living in a place I did not grow up in feels so strange. And out of so many friends who have been back, they almost all feel the same way. Gatherings after gatherings lead to the same topic; what are we really doing?
But I shall not act like a smarty pants and tell you how to find your dream or how to be the best in everything you do, do startup or fake it till you make it.
The truth is, everyone has their own struggle. I had my share of waking up in the morning, feeling terribly sick of this routine and just wish I can close my eyes and ignore the world. That was the point when my bed is my only comfortable place (it still is my favorite spot tho).
And then one day I realize I am not moving on just dwelling on life. Time waits for no man and I do not want to regret not doing a thing. I'd rather be stupid and make mistakes than staying still.
So to him I answered:

"I am not one who found what my real dream is. None of us probably figured what we really want in life. But be grateful and one day when you need to make a change, your heart will tell you."

It's probably the crappiest advise but that is all I know. But being happy starts from us, no?
Let's all be happy for what we are and what we have, we never know what's in it for us tomorrow.


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