Drowning in Reality

Hello people!

So here I am reporting live from my office room, behind the desk that will, in the long run, be my second home. Yes, I am here in Jakarta City finally facing what we call the REAL life.

The past 3-weeks have passed pretty quickly. I am adapting with work life and life with my family (and maid and chauffeur) under the same roof. I remember when I was a kid, being the spoilt kid that I was, I ordered my domestic helper at home like as if I own no hands and legs. They do damn thing for me.

Cooking Indomie every afternoon. checked.
Packing my books. Checked.
Cleaning my room. Checked.

But now after being away on my own to the faraway land for so long, I can't even let them touch my room. I cleaned them on my own, I cleared the dirty dishes from the table. I was so used to being my own maid.

So that is it about home. Restrictions here and there and yet the warm and comfortable feeling of always having someone at home to listen to me whenever I feel alone or just feel like blabbering. It will take awhile for my parents to see that their kids are grown ups but yeah it will happen eventually.

Now back to Life.
Most of the Indo friends I know who returned graduated from College opt for these 3 major options:
1. Joining the family business
2. Entering the corporate world
3. Trying to open their own business
4. THE MINORITY goes to the 4th list. Such as trying their luck in finding prince charming and live happily ever after or just waste their parents money away and delude in the world that doesn't actually exist.

I, fortunately or not, belong to category number ONE. Now, with this category comes a few stereotype. Some people think family business=free money. How I wish deep down in my heart that it is true.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my family. There is no such thing as free meal here. Dad does not even let me take an extra day off to celebrate sis' birthday (You know, even Citibank gives you that one day off on your birthday month. Well, it's my sister's birthday, it's the same thing)

And at times I feel overwhelmed with this new life of mine. I am homesick (like the Amuricah Homesick, yes). There are a million reasons why I feel like I need to prove myself here and yet I can't even catch up with my own life right now. The glitter of Jakarta City at night always takes my mind wandering of when my days of glory will be.

Last week at a friend's wedding, I saw so many familiar faces. Behind their glamorous looks lie the kids who were trying to fit into this tough tough world. The kids who were the hope of their parents' empire and it is not easy being those kids. And then I know I was not alone. And that my parents were at zero too when they started. And that I am so much more gifted then they were when they were at my age (duh, Thank God I don't have a kid now. Mommy had me when she was 24. Where was her youth!)

So, please pray for me so that I will survive this Cinderella City that glitters at night and turns into a wild jungle in the day.

Till then,



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