Be Better!

Hello Sunshine,

I am back clic-clacking the keyboard. Right now I am sitting in a cafe in Houston,TX. It's one of those sunny days when I decided to sit in a nice and quiet cafe while reading my books.

Although, er-herm, no more novels. It's time to grow up.

So recently I have graduated from College and now I am in Houston accompanying my sister doing her training. In front of me sits Teddy The who came all the way from Purdue to visit us (or her, actually) :P

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

That is the book that's opened in front of me. In an attempt of learning marketing.
The book has been a great read so far..and a wake up call too.
The first few chapters goes like this:

1. Be genuine
2. Smile. A lot.
3. Be a good listener.
4. Remember people's name.

This half year has been crazy. The clock that was ticking to adulthood, the new people I met and a bunch of other new things and thoughts of the future had been pretty scary. Without realized I got really cranky most times, forgetting what matters the most in life and on the way, losing the purpose of life. Being genuine became hard, smiling is a chore, listening was not my forte anymore...

So while reading the book I asked Teddy, while already knowing the answer deep within.

Have I changed? To the worse?

That first look on his face gave me an answer. And I knew it was going to be like that.

To the awful childish arguments I had with a friend this year that made her went around spreading rumor and made me went on hating', I am bidding goodbye.
Because life's worth more than that:)

And to anyone who is facing the same thing as me, remember there are so many people who care about you and that a mere smile can take you closer to success.




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