Something in Between

Have you ever wondered what is your purpose being born into this ever-so-complicated mother earth?

This is one of those rare days when I actually get to sit down alone in the Union, sipping my sweet smoothies and biting away the Turkey Melt Crepes I ordered from this lady who was uber friendly. The time when you spend alone will inevitably brings you to another world- the world deeper than just meets the eye.

So while munching away, I got my brain thinking:" Why am I here?"
I have asked the same question again and again and for most times, I could not find the answer. I hated where I am and how I am. School is not my cup of tea and most times I am left wondering what is going to be out of me after this phase of life. Will I ever be a successful person? Is there anything I can strive in at all?

There was a point where I blamed God. I blamed my family. I blamed everyone around me, pretty much. However, reflecting back, I do have a great family that has been supporting me mentally and physically for the past 22 years of my life, I have the greatest friends that could actually stand my selfishness for all these years and a boyfriend whom I adore cos he just knows how spoilt I am and he does not mind. What can I ask for more?

The problems lie with me. For not making the full use of the opportunities given to me. How to change? As much as I know I need to turn the table around, I have no clue where to start from to tidy up the mess I made.


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