Radio Galau FM

Reporting from my empty bedroom under the Spring weather here!


So, school has been a little easy on me this week. Last week's gargantuan amount of homework and exam killed my soul. This week's been a lot better with many of the homework cancelled and no lab report due. I guess I should say yay to this but then again the sudden change of no deadline chasing after me feels just so weird. The right thing to do is of course by studying for the upcoming final exams but well, let's not get burnt out too early;)

Today's been another lazy day. Youtube has been a good friend of mine under this weather. I turned down my friend's offer of going out in exchange of having youtube videos accompanying me. While browsing through all the random videos (fret not, there is no dirty stuff in what I was browsing), I found something that caught my attention and decided to watch it. It's called the Radio Galau FM. It's an Indonesian movie and I found it so easy to relate to so I decided to write on it!
This movie is about a high school guy who was initially feeling so down after his failures in finding the right woman in his life. It was then until he found a girl called Velin who had a crush on him and they decided to get into a bgr. It was all sweet in the first month and all the glitter sprinkled sweetness turned sour in the time span of 2 months. He wanted a break but Velin didnt. So he found another girl and blah blah.. he just pretty much lost everything by the end of the movie.

At almost the end of the movie, Velin said this to him:" Do you remember the time when you asked me for a break-up? You told me that I was an egoist, that I am so full of myself. I honestly think you are the egoist one. You wanted the perfect girl for you but let me tell you, the perfect one only exists in novels."
I like that. Often times we look at the imperfections of our partner and we put all the blame on them. We feel like we are doing everything right, putting a hundred percent in everything but not vice versa. We felt unhappy about it and brought the unhappiness to the table of arguments. It is hard to build the perfect relationship. It's always good to remember that, "You are not perfect, so am I."

There was also a part in the movie where the main lead confronted his girlfriend and accused her for taking away his life and sucking all his energy to focus on her. I heard of this a lot. I heard people telling others how they disappeared after they have a bf/gf. I even heard that told to me. It was hard to make a good balance of that and as much as you wanted to be the social one like you used to, there is now a responsibility on your shoulders that you can't deny. There is a priority and a future you are building. That being said, the movie serves as a good reminder to keep in touch with people around and not get too attached to our spouse.

Another interesting scene was when Velin was crying in devastation when her boyfriend asked for a break-up. She loved him, she said. And there is no way that she is letting go. That brought me to the point of emotional attachment. How attached are you supposed to be to your spouse? True that you are building a future together but anything can happen in between. There are always 2 ending to a relationship and there is always a 50-50 chance no matter how much you believe in one of them.

So there. Relationship makes you have a supporting pillar. A comfortable life at times and a discomfort at another. Nothing is perfect in this world and nothing comes for free. Building a healthy relationship takes work of both parties and not just one.

Feel free to drop any comment you have on relationship. I'd love to know:)



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