The State of Messiness


Is something people avoid from having. Whether it is just a simple thing like stacking the neatly ironed clothes or in a bigger picture, life.

I am having this super big mess right now in my head. The time when things just got so jumbled up and I don't know where to start to arrange them in place. It's seriously depressing. So I took the time off from that and decided to write again. Cos as always, writing makes me feel better(:

School is obviously an  institution that drive my initially sane mind into a state of tomfoolery. It is a place that kills so much of my self worth. Why do we have to be judged by the exam scores we took? Is that even fair?  And the homework deadlines..gosh, that is a lot scarier than ghosts haunting your dreams! They haunt you sleeping or awake. It's really a lot to take for me to arrange on what to study first and what comes later cos they just fight within me to be picked first and I don't know where to start.

With graduation coming nearer each day, life becomes tougher than ever. In addition to those killing homework and exams, there is a future to ponder on now. Sometimes I wish I can freeze the time right here, right now. Well, we all need to grow up at some point. And maybe this is the time.


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