
Have you ever felt like you owe someone in an indirect way? Like perhaps that person did not even realize how much of an encouragement he/she has been to you and how much he/she has helped you in bringing who you are right now. It's like, seeing a stranger walking by and he gave you the sweetest greetings on your gloomy day. Most probably that stranger would have forgotten your face by the time he walked past you but you were just so grateful for meeting such a nice person.

So, this is a letter. Or a message, I shall say.. To someone whom I feel greatly indebted to until this point in time and I know he is not in the best situation at this point. But although we are so far apart, I want you to know that you are truly remembered.

To you...

I still remembered vividly the first impression you formed in my head. I hated you. Well, I honestly can't understand why you have so many friends but you were so cold to me in that one class we had in secondary school. I mean, we were in different form class. It was only during that one period we got to see each other and can't you be nice just like how you were with the rest of the people? Was it just me or were you really being a sinister? A band leader, a Prefect member you were, you should be nice, right? 

And then it came the third year and we were in the same class. Yup, you and I in the same class now. The best class at that time and well, I caught up. I guess then you felt like I wasn't from the second class anymore and we started talking? I don't know. But you were starting to be different, I began to see the you that I did not see before and spending time with you everyday was the best thing that could happen to me. We sat beside each other in classes, we walked together to classes and we became the inseparable ones. You were still that high achiever Band Major and I was still just the normal rebellious student, but we got along.

Being in that class was not easy. I was not doing well initially but you pulled me through. You were my motivation and racing to complete those Advance Math questions in class was actually pretty fun. We reached the point where we were just competing and we wanted to be the best. Do you realize I wasn't anywhere until you introduce me to what healthy competition is? Until you woke me up from laziness and I started to be motivated in doing well, just like you did. I was glad I didn't get so stressed up in not doing well and losing to certain people at some tests though :P

Do you remember the mornings we hit the library before anyone else took our seats? Do you remember the times we went for recess together?Do you remember how we ran across the classroom with dustbin lid and even the teacher laughed at us? Do you remember the cries we had when we fought in the MRT station and you gave me the scrapbook you made? Do you remember lending me your back to cry on? And do you  know how happy I was spending each and every day in school with you and all the good friends we had? School was not a pain. School was a playground then. 

This might be stupid but I still draw stickman till now in my lecture notes..They don't look as good as those you drew in the comics you made for me but they are alright! Something that always remind me of you. It just reminds me how a legacy you are and that the impact you made in people's life was so great. I envied you for what you were and I know you always have the potential to be the best in anything you do. Everyone we know had that trust in you. and so should you..

College is not an easy journey. We are all going through that painful process now. Me, Lina, you and everyone else. Nana has not been sleeping well since she started her college days. It was not easy, I know. And what was so painful was that now, we had to fight so hard to be at the top; a place where we used to be. For you, you continued on being the best till Junior College while I just gave up. But you were so much more than any average student. Know that grades aren't everything in life, look around and take a step back to relax. It is never worth it to pull your hair for this kind of thing. Persevere cos your glory is in rising every time you fall. Always believe that your hardwork will pay off one day. It will!

And soon, someone who can be by your side always will appear. Move on from the past, live life to the fullest and do know that you were such a motivation to so many people, you should be able to motivate yourself even more and be a much happier person. Do know that this friend of yours is always here:)

with loves,



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