The Hot Guy


It feels great to be back here again, getting my fingers on the keys again. Despite knowing that my writing is somewhat flawed (alright, it is majorly flawed), writing just brings natural joy to my life. So, here I am again, back with my random thoughts:)

So, these few days have been totally hectic. Life is about studying, fast food and minimum amount of sleep. 3 exams in 24 hours was not fun at all. My head felt so light as if I am high on alcohol, I could never be clumsier during this period. Today marked the last major exam, which by the way, I studied just a few hours before the exam itself since I had another core class exam in the morning. BAM!

I told myself that after all these craziness, I will:

But the end is always different than what was planned. Despite not having anymore core exam, I am still in school right now. I guess it's the thing about having someone you truly care about. I just couldn't bear leaving Hery in his plight, fighting for his last exam tomorrow. It was that moment when you feel you should be the girlfriend. Yes, the awesome kind ;)

Anyway, I shall get to my topic. So while walking around in Krannert (The Business people's building), Hery met one of his blonde American friend. He has such a nice figure! He's tall, tanned,shiny bright blue eyes and charming smile. I was looking at them while they were in a conversation. My eyes were glued on that beautiful creature God decided to send to earth.

And then I told Hery that I think he has such a handsome friend. It was only later to find out that the boy was gay. Hmm.. Is it really true that all the almost-perfect-man are gay?! I mean, I have nothing against gay people, I swear. I truly think it's fine. It's just that.. They could produce really good offspring, you know? HOHOHO.

Enough of after exam nonsense!



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