USA- Finale

Hong Kong International Airport
[12:51 AM]
Terminal 1, Gate 30

The previous post was about my USA trip part 1, and now this is titled Finale, I know.
Well, since I am sitting in the waiting room, waiting for departure call for my final leg home,
I might as well write about the finale.
The other parts will be filled in later on.

Rewinding back to 6 days ago..

[2nd July 2017]
O'Hare International Airport

Chicago was my last past of the America trip.
The part where I was initially looking forward to because it was when I get to step on to the place that left me with so much memories before.
I was, in a way, excited.
There was also nervousness and sadness then.
My sister couldn't make it to the trip because she had an exam and so it was just us three.
the white Subaru was our companion thru that last leg,
fitting all the luggages that contained our freshly bought clothes and shoes and accessories.
See what living in Indonesia has done to us?
We yearn for quality and excitement in spending the hard-earned money.
As I stepped on the pedal to Chinatown for lunch, I was dreading the drive to Purdue more and more.

The drive took us 2.5 hours.
The familiar highway and fast-paced traffic we used to go thru as college kids during some weekends.
The drive that led us to corn fields and white gigantic wind turbines,
where we know we have arrived.

Purdue University
As we entered from Cumberland, the first thing that I saw was an apartment area I used to spend alot of my time in.
It has been sometime now, it does still feel weird remembering how it used to be.
How back then there were people who meant the world to you
now mean nothing at all if not the memories they left you with.
And right there, stood a concrete building that witnessed it all, still standing tall as if its purpose was to remind you of the past.
I looked back at it and smiled, thanking the part of life that happened and made me grow.

The end of that last part was ended by meeting my College Juniors for 4th fireworks.
Daniel picked me up from North Michigan Avenue.
Hey, they are all college grad now who are working/continuing their education.
Although it felt so weird that we went to London House to grab drinks
(I mean, they were my babies who I adore and barely drinks!)
It was a lot of fun catching up and seeing familiar faces.
It certainly felt like a closure.
Will I still miss College Life? Well probably I do.
Will it be as bad? Nah, it's time to move on:)


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