2016 in A Nutshell
2016 is coming to an end. Real. Soon. It's about 2 weeks away until 2016 becomes a memory and a past. Scary isn't it? It still feels like yesterday when I left College and brave the storm of coming home. Home that feels so strange and new because I have been away for too long. Let's be really honest here, 2016 has been a roller-coaster ride. Coming home and working with your typical Asian parents is really something. There is a gray area between being professionally related and family-bond. Most times than not, they cannot be separated. Suddenly, freedom is a luxury. It's like your most precious possession being taken away from you. I fully understand their worry as the kids who are not familiar with this dangerous third world country besides, they have not seen us grow up and miss alot of our firsts since we left. They had no idea how we survived many failures, how as foreign students you faced so many unfamiliarity and yet struggle to find help. Eventua...