Shanghai Life

Before my brain decides to erase my memory again, I shall jot down a little detail on my recent trip to China. I left Jakarta on the 15th November 2016 The journey took us about 9 hours, including transit time. My family is never a light packer. It seems like everyone (the parents, to be exact) would just need to bring their whole closet. My dad is always afraid of the winter weather idea. Although Google weather forecasted just slightly cooler weater at 17 DegC He was so paranoid he brought a few jackets. Anyway, point is, the 4 of us would not fit into a normal car. I was not convinced with the Chinese car+driver rental companies, so we decided to pick our mode of transport as we reach. As we reach the airport, there is a woman holding out a sign and asked if we needed a ride. She has a booth at the airport and we thought it was pretty legit. So after confirming that the cost of 650 RMB to our hotel downtown is inclusive of everything, we boarded their Minivan and off...