Breathing, Finally.

Korea, September 2016 <3 Happy Sunday to everyone out there. I figured the addition of pictured in this blog would add colors and help me recall the events better. Oh how my short term memory really scares me:( I think I have such a lazy brain. Gah. Anyway, So finally I have half a day to be home, chilling with my can of beer and reading documents for Monday. It's not exactly relaxing eh? but better than nothing at all. I was just staring at my wall before I started typing and amazed at my "Wall of Boarding Passes" -the collection of boarding passes from my trips this year. At the end of the year, I will put them in an album and start a fresh one for 2017:) I know, I have been wanting to write about my trips here, there are a few drafts in my files but they are all undone because I procrastinate and ended up forgetting the details of my trip. In this 10 months though, I have travelled: India USA Canada Europe ...