
Showing posts from October, 2016

Breathing, Finally.

Korea, September 2016 <3 Happy Sunday to everyone out there. I figured the addition of pictured in this blog would add colors and help me recall the events better. Oh how my short term memory really scares me:( I think I have such a lazy brain. Gah.  Anyway, So finally I have half a day to be home,  chilling with my can of beer and reading documents for Monday. It's not exactly relaxing eh? but better than nothing at all.  I was just staring at my wall before I started typing and amazed at my "Wall of Boarding Passes"  -the collection of boarding passes from my trips this year. At the end of the year, I will put them in an album and start a fresh one for 2017:) I know, I have been wanting to write about my trips here, there are a few drafts in my files but they are all undone because I procrastinate and ended up forgetting the details of my trip. In this 10 months though, I have travelled: India USA Canada Europe ...


I fly. Yes, I do. I fly so much that seeing the airport makes me feel sick. Imagining the waiting time for our flight is always a terrible experience. But I am always excited to leave my nest, seeing new things, smelling the fragrance of air elsewhere in the world. I fly so much that I think I need to share. I kinda wanna make a mini travel blog out of this one Rather than just random ranting:/ Who knows someone famous found it and share it to the world:) HAH HAH. Anyway, maybe I should start sharing soon! I have short term memory so writing would be good to keep the memories alive! Loves, Lin
Why is the fifth day of the week called Friday? Maybe it stands for FREE DAY. Friday marks the end of your five days workdays for most people. Although we have an equal amount of hours everyday, Friday seems to pass sloooower. You'd be counting by minutes for Friday to end and hit the bar on Friday nights. Or go on a date. Or watch a movie. Or simply sleep in. But the start of a Friday is usually happier. It's like your body feels so much lighter and the bed finally is letting you go to work instead of sucking you in its ultra-strong gravity. You'd finally decide to take a shower and comb your hair, put on a little make-up and not look so crappy because it's FRI-YAY. As you are reading this up until this paragraph, you must be wondering what is the main point of this post. Now before I annoy you further, let me tell you. The point is, I AM GLAD IT'S FRIDAY. What's your plan this weekend? I honestly don't have anything in mind. My parents are...